WeTechCare is a not-for-profit association founded in 2017 on the conviction that digital technology is an essential tool for improving the situation of vulnerable people.
Based on this observation, their actions aim to open up digital opportunities to everyone and, on the other hand, to improve social support through technology.
To achieve this mission, WeTechCare mobilises its experts through 3 levers of action:
• Raising awareness: WeTechCare analyses and raises awareness of the major challenges of digital inclusion among the stakeholders in this new societal challenge.
• Digital solutions: with its 123digit.be platform, WeTechCare develops learning content that facilitate digital training for people in difficulty.
• Consulting: its consultants support service operators and local authorities in their digital inclusion strategies.
At a time when digitalisation of essential services is accelerating in Belgium, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between social action and digital services, with the latter becoming omnipresent. Increasing digital skills is therefore a key issue now if we are to continue to provide support to everyone, especially people on the margins of society. WeTechCare has launched an ambitious programme of awareness-raising, training and events to engage social structures in digital inclusion initiatives.