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IDEAHL specific objectives:


Conduct a comprehensive mapping of health literacy (HL) and (digital) health literacy ((d)HL) research in the EU and beyond by reviewing policies, academic and non-academic works, EU funded projects, and existing practices on HL and (d)HL. 


Involve, in project activities, a network of “champions” and “survivors” from the identified (d)HL practices across the EU and beyond. The purpose will be to foster knowledge exchange, facilitate the replication of the best performing initiatives, and sharing testimonies from those initiatives that failed or experienced particular difficulties. The network will thus contribute to advancing the understanding of (d)HL and how it can be used to improve health outcomes and digital empowerment for health management of citizens.


Shape, facilitate, and coordinate the co-creation and development of a European Strategy in improving (d)HL for the benefit of all citizens. To co-design the Strategy with stakeholders, IDEAHL will put in place a varied set of inclusive co-creation activities – from traditional face to face co-creation workshops to an EU-scale, cross-border, online co-creation exercise.


Pilot several initiatives and actions identified by the EU Strategy at project country/region level. Monitor their progress and evaluate their impact for final fine turning.


Analyse HL and (d)HL levels across Member States by reviewing existing monitoring mechanisms and indicators. Based on this analysis and the experiences from the Strategy pilot, develop a unique set of EU monitoring mechanisms and indicators to assess HL and (d)HL levels and their evolution in Member States.


Engage health and non-health sectors such as education, innovation, healthcare, social services, Medtech, media, etc, along with citizens and patients, with inclusion of vulnerable groups, in the co-creation, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the strategy. Ensure support by EU, national, and local policy makers.

The project “Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living (IDEAHL)” has received funding by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under GA 101057477

We are here to answer any questions you may have about the IDEAHL project. Reach out to us at the following contacts:
Contact Us

Scientific and Technical Coordinator:

Ms. Marta Pisano González, Coordination Team
Calle Ciriaco Miguel Vigil, 9, 
33005 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
T. +34 985105500 Ext: 17485

Financial Coordinator
FICYT – Foundation for the Promotion in Asturias of Applied Scientific Research and Technology
Calle Cabo Noval, 11,
33007 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain 
T. +34 985207434

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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