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IDEAHL (d)HL Strategy presented at the AHL Event in Naples: Empowering Citizens for a Healthier Digital Future

Naples, Italy, 13 November 2023 – The IDEAHL project has revealed its EU (d)HL Strategy at the AHL-Napoli 2023 conference. The strategy aims to empower citizens in digital health literacy, promoting healthy aging, early disease detection, and active self-care. By fostering knowledge exchange and inclusive participation, IDEAHL envisions a future where individuals possess the skills to make informed health decisions.
The conference showcased interdisciplinary approaches and successful milestones achieved by international experts in integrated care. The EU (d)HL Strategy represents a significant step towards improving digital health literacy and empowering individuals for better health outcomes.
In addition to this, the project Call of Interest for potential replicators was presented to all participants with the aim to scale-up developed piloting actions to a wider range of regional or national organization operating within the healthcare sectors.
This will enable the selected organizations to implement strategies fostering the digital health literacy of both healthcare professionals and healthcare beneficiaries adapting selected best practices at EU level to the specific characteristic of their territory and organization with the ultimate aim to scale-up innovative solutions and transfer relevant knowledge.

The project “Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living (IDEAHL)” has received funding by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under GA 101057477

We are here to answer any questions you may have about the IDEAHL project. Reach out to us at the following contacts:
Contact Us

Scientific and Technical Coordinator:

Ms. Marta Pisano González, Coordination Team
Calle Ciriaco Miguel Vigil, 9, 
33005 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
T. +34 985105500 Ext: 17485

Financial Coordinator
FICYT – Foundation for the Promotion in Asturias of Applied Scientific Research and Technology
Calle Cabo Noval, 11,
33007 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain 
T. +34 985207434

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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